
O’Malley Pellets

Original price was: $340.00.Current price is: $330.00. /ton

Our best selling wood pellet. 100% hardwood

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Wood pellets that you use to heat your home, or cook your food, must burn safe, and burn efficiently. The hardwood pellets that carry the O’Malley Lumber name are made from100% hardwood wood fiber; there are no additives or chemicals. Because we use the wood waste created by our own sawmills we can totally control the quality of the product that goes into our pellets – something other manufacturers can’t claim.

The technology we use at our sawmills guarantees that the wood product that goes into our pellets has never come in contact with the ground. While this may seem like a minor point, it allows us to guarantee clean, consistent hardwood pellets that won’t contain any dangerous contaminants like rocks, dirt, and other debris.

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